Our purpose is to empower women worldwide by connecting them to leadership opportunities and helping them to thrive at the top of their game

The purpose, mission and vision of EmpowHER is simple.


Our team are dedicated to empowering women across the globe by closing the gender gap in leadership roles. We aim to connect as many women to high-status opportunities as possible, and form long-term partnerships, supporting them to reach their potential.

The vision is to live in a world that prioritises equity, diversity and equal opportunity in the workplace.

Lauren Windebank

Founder & Director of a fast-growing and successful recruitment company, Lauren is a UK-based businesswoman who is an advocate for female empowerment and equal opportunity for everyone. She founded Roma Black in 2018 and is now looking to use her platform and business growth to venture into empowering exceptional women. Lauren is extremely family-orientated and is the mother of two young children. 

As a woman in leadership herself, she is passionate about equity and empowering women to have a career and a family. Having worked with many companies with predominately male leaders, she is passionate about working with women to help close the gender gap in leadership, and take businesses to new heights by showing women how to thrive in executive roles - helping to elevate themselves and the brands that they are a part of to the top.

Danielle Hibbert

Danielle’s passion for Women Empowerment started early in her professional career whilst working in heavily male-dominated industries. She saw that in order to succeed, many of the women around her had to adopt “tougher” personas and approaches to even be considered for management positions. 

After moving into the recruitment industry where she specialised in executive search, it became clear to her that Women in Leadership were a minority across the board and that this needed to change. As an expectant mother and woman who values her career highly, EmpowHER is something she is fiercely passionate about driving forward to assist fellow women and mothers flourish in working their way up the corporate ladder.

Representation of women in leadership roles is lightyears away from where it should be.



8.2% of the Fortune 500 CEOs are women.



35% of Senior Leadership Positions in the US are held by women.



23% of all executive positions globally are held by females.


Top Earners

5% of women qualify as 'the one percent' in terms of earnings and wealth.


And we aim to make a change

What we do.

For Brands

We will partner with your organisation to help build out your team with brilliant women at leadership level, creating an innovative workforce for your brand through diverse thinking and ways of working.

  • Brand Partnership
  • Building teams of exceptional women
  • Reducing the gender gap at executive level

What we do.

For Women

Our mission is to help women build a career of their dreams; one that they thought near-impossible, by connecting them with etc best brands worldwide.

  • Help you find your next opportunity
  • Advice and mentoring
  • Representing women in leadership to help them reach their full potential

The gender gap in STEM across the globe


of all scientific authors are female


of the tech workforce are women


of all engineers in the UK are female


of STEM students are female

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