Why businesses should celebrate women in leadership all year round
Businesses should celebrate women in leadership all year round, not just on International Women’s Day. It’s all too easy to get caught up in trends and celebrate things when others are doing so. But the impact that this has on the real issues at hand – lack of representation, lack of females in executive roles, and lack of diversity at every level in every industry - is so microscopic that we need to be celebrating the successful women of this world all year round.
5 leadership qualities that women typically possess, that men don't
There is undeniably stigma around the idea that men and women can equally operate at a high level in leadership and executive roles. We’d argue that women - depending on the company that they are a leader of - can actually offer some things that men can’t; or at the very least, they tend to naturally possess a set of skills that men are required to take time to learn. In an effort to learn more about this phenomenon, we looked at why women might make better leaders and what sets them apart.
Why there should never be a disparity between males and females in leadership roles
We know for a fact that women are just as capable of leading an organization as men. We are proof of it. There is no reason for any disparity between males and females in leadership roles. The truth is - it makes zero difference what someone’s gender is. If they have the drive, willingness, and leadership skills, they should be given a chance.